

Are all meanings of “Pravah”
a Sanskrit word.

While all those definitely hold major weight of
…....what this is,
the one that connects souly with me is

To flow.

It took me sometime to really realise its meaning.
Also I'm not really sure one really “realises”
in this case.

In order
or chaos
to illuminate the group and the individual's
within the self
and without the self
with the surrounding environment.

There is a way that Nature works.
A way the Universe works,
that can be easily overlooked
in world that seems to me
more obsessed with the control
of everything
instead of working with everything
for the benefit of everything.

Pravah Project is an attempt,
or an acceptance
that everything and nothing
is not something to be controlled
but allowed to explore the world we inhabit
within and without.

Balance is key for anything to flourish.

There will be collaborations and individuality
throughout this journey
in music, art, film, poetry and fortnightly blogs
relating to the relation of us as people
with the world and life.

Thank You